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Writer's pictureKirstin Novak

Minutes: December 14, 2022

Held at: Palmyra VFW Post

Stood for Pledge of Allegiance

President Heidi D. called the meeting to order

All present introduced themselves

Note: This meeting was held for the purpose of determining the future of the

Chamber. Attendance was strongly encouraged. Total attendance-3 officers and

8 business/community members. Very small attendance.

Treasurer Report was given by Kim. She went over the Car Show figures. The

checking account balance is $4,092. The savings account balance is $4,385.97.

Kim will cut a check to 88 Charlies for $500.00. Kim will transfer money to savings

account leaving a $1000.00 balance in checking. Dale made a motion to accept 2 nd

by Alissa. Motion passed.

Secretary Report was given by Michelle. Dale made a motion to accept 2 nd by

Alissa. Motion passed.


  1. The Christmas parade and Craft Fair at Squidy’s were well attended.

  2. There is a New Year Lion Club Breakfast at Squidy’s 8am-2pm.

  3. The Fisheree takes place on January 29th .

  4. There is a Pancake Breakfast at the VFW January 29 th .

  5. Breakfast with Santa is December 17th at Squidy’s.

  6. HCN Events-Toy Drive December 1-12 and Christmas Dinner and Toy Distribution December 19 th 11am-1pm.

  7. Alissa shared that Discover Wisconsin is coming to Palmyra in August or September 2023 to do a story.


Discussion ensued on Chamber’s future. Please see the following page for

decisions made…

  1. Heidi and Michelle finished their terms as President and Secretary. No new nominees came forward. Ashley will assume President/Secretary roles and Kim will assume Vice President/Treasurer roles for 2023 only. Alissa made motion 2 nd Heidi. Motion passed.

  2. Chamber “meetings” will now be held quarterly and will follow a different format. Kim made a motion 2 nd by Ashley.

  3. It was decided a Business after hours or Business over breakfast will be the format. It will be a social/business event. Event updates will be given by those present. There will be a featured speaker. The first “meeting” will be held the second Thursday in March 2023 at Edge of Town Cafe and agenda to be determined shortly. Information will be posted on the Chamber website.

  4. The Chamber will ONLY be hosting these quarterly events if proven successful. The Chamber will not host or be responsible for any other events going forward.

  5. Each current officer was assigned task to prepare for “meeting” in March.

  6. Heidi asked that her personal information be removed from the website and is no longer the Chamber contact person.

  7. Michelle will make updates to website regarding Heidi and will have a line added to contact info that email is manned by volunteers and patience is appreciated.

  8. Ashley will monitor the emails.

  9. Chamber will remain an entity for the near future. Attendance at social/business events in March and June will determine next course of action for the Chamber’s future.

  10. The Palmyra page will remain in the Jefferson County Tourism Guide with minimal changes from last year. Current officers will no longer be responsible for this publication and edits in the future.

  11. Chamber officers have reached out to Lions to take over Car Show.

  12. Chamber officers will no longer be involved or in charge of Rummage Sale organization or advertising, putting up and taking down Christmas lights and to Halloween Parade. Another group or community organization can take over if theses if these are still desired by the community.

  13. Chamber officers will approach Village about taking over responsibility of Jefferson County Tourism Guide.

Motion made to adjourn by Alissa 2nd by Dale.


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